优惠活动 - 12周年庆本月新客福利
优惠活动 - 12周年庆本月新客福利
优惠活动 - 12周年庆本月新客福利

GIGA NET CAFE与海洋网络达成网站建设协议

日期 : 2018-08-01 18:08:00


The Giga Net Café (Victoria Street Store) offers not only high-speed fiber access and a fresh, elegant environment, but also a relaxed and casual atmosphere and a surf experience. It is a high-level enjoyment of Internet, communication and games, which makes this Internet cafe become a network of users with the characteristics of the era that is compatible with traditional entertainment and high-tech services.


海洋网络从2018年开始与GIGA NET CAFE签约网站制作,帮助GIGA NET CAFE网站设计及开发网站多次网站平台,此项目为2018年GIGA NET CAFE新版官方网站。